How to Log Emails to Object Records in Salesforce Using Flows

How to Log Emails to Object Records in Salesforce Using Flows

Selecting the Object and Trigger for the Flow

Configuring the Initial Flow Settings

  1. Start with a 'Record-Triggered Flow'. Choose the Target object to trigger the flow.

  2. Set the flow to activate 'when a record is created or updated'.

Retrieving the Email Template ID

Setting Up Data Retrieval

  1. Use 'Get Records' to fetch the Email Template ID.

  2. Filter by 'DeveloperName' to specify the email template to use.

Configuring the Email Action

Sending the Email and Logging Activity

  1. Set up the 'Send Email' action using the retrieved Email Template ID.

  2. Input the recipient's email from the lead record to send the email.

  3. Turn on 'Log Email on Send' and make it true to automatically log this as an activity on the target record.


This process ensures that every email sent is logged in the object's Activity history, creating a reliable communication trail directly within Salesforce. By following these steps, you can streamline your team's workflow and maintain a clear record of all email interactions with your objects.